– | Born in Shimane Prefecture Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University Doctorate of Engineering First-Class Architect in Japan Honorary Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Honorary Member of the Association of German Architects (BDA) Corporate Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) |
1971 | Kyoto University, Department of Architecture, Graduate |
1974 | Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Master’s Program in the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate |
1980 | Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, PhD Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate Establishment of Shin Takamatsu Architectural Design Firm |
1981 | Osaka University of Arts, School of Architecture, Lecturer |
1987 | Kyoto Seika University Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Design, Associate Professor |
1988 | Establishment of Takamatsu Planning Ltd., Appointed Representative Director |
1995 | The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Honorary Member |
1997 | The Association of German Architects (BDA), Honorary Member Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Professor |
2000 | The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Member |
2013 | Kyoto University, Professor Emeritus Shin Takamatsu Architect and Associates Co., Ltd. Appointed Executive Director |
1983 | Kyoto Scenic Beauty Award |
1984 | Japan Association of Architects Prize for Young Architects: Origin I |
1985 | Venice Biennale Award |
1986 | Shonandai Cultural Center Proposal Competition, Excellence Award Commercial Space Design Awards, Encouragement Prize: Dance Hall |
1987 | International Interior Design Award: Dance Hall Commercial Space Design Awards, Special Prize: Origin Ⅲ 9th NSG Shop & Display Design Contest, Encouragement Award |
1988 | 5th Nishio HOPE Architectural Culture Award, Grand Prize: Orphe Commercial Space Design Awards, Special Prize: Orphe |
1989 | Architectural Institute of Japan Award: Kirin Plaza Osaka Osaka Association of Architects & Building Engineers Presidential Award: Kirin Plaza Osaka |
1991 | National Land Agency, General’s Award: Nima Sand Museum |
1994 | Shichirui Port Multipurpose terminal Design Competition, Grand Prize: meteor plaza 12th Kyoto Prefecture Meritorious Cultural Service Award |
1995 | Babersburg International Selected Competition, Grand Prize:Babelsberg fx. center Tottori Prefecture Landscape Award: Sakaiminato Symphony Garden |
1996 | Shimane Landscape Awards, Encouragement Award: Gotsu Community Center Education Minister’s Art Encouragement Award: Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography Kansai-Kan National Diet Library Design Competition, Honorable Mention City Landscape Award: Sakaiminato Symphony Garden Tottori Prefecture Landscape Award, Grand Prize: Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography Nikkei New Office Promotion Awards: Kirin Headquarters Ministry of International Trade and Industry Good Design Awards: Kirin Headquarters |
1997 | Shimane Landscape Awards, Encouragement Award: Hamada Children’s Museum Shimane Landscape Awards, Excellence Award: meteor plaza Shikatsu Community Center Competition, Grand Prize: Kitanagoya Community Center |
1998 | 6th Public Architecture Awards, Excellence Award: Nima Sand Museum and Friendship Center Kyoto Kampo Health Promotion Facility Design Competition, Grand Prize National Kumiodori Theater Design Competition, Grand Prize Graz’ University of Music and Performing Arts Design Competition, Winner Bolzano City University Design Competition, Winner JCD Design Awards, Encouragement Award: Higashi Honganji Reception Hall Takarazuka Civic Performing Hall Design Competition, Grand Prize Ministry of International Trade and Industry Good Design Awards: Higashi Honganji Reception Hall 40th Building Constructors Society Awards: Higashi Honganji Reception Hall 40th Building Constructors Society Awards: Nose Myoken-san Worship Hall “SEIREI” 14th Multimedia Grand Prix 1999: Gamagori Network Center |
1999 | Aichi Machinami Architecture Award: Gamagori Network Center Architectural Institute of Japan, Encouragement Prize: Higashi Honganji Reception Hall Fukuoka Residential Culture Award, Excellence Award: Omura Beauty College Kyoto Landscape and Town Development Awards, Excellence Award: Wacoal Headquarters Kyoto Landscape and Town Development Awards, Grand Prize: Nishioji Vicinity Community Development SAFLEX DESIGN COMPETITION Special Jury Prize: Wacoal Headquarters Good Lighting Awards, Outstanding Facility Prize: Gamagori Network Center 7th Public Architecture Awards, Excellence Award: Sakaiminato Symphony Garden Nikkei New Office Promotion Awards: Wacoal Headquarters Matsue National Government Building Design Competition, Grand Prize Chubu Architecture Awards, Honorable Mention: Kitanagoya Community Center |
2001 | 9th Chinese Architectural Design Awards, Gold Stone Award: Goshoen Tianjin Museum International Architectural Design Competition, Grand Prize: Tianjin museum Tianjin Teda Park Architectural Design Competition, Grand Prize |
2002 | Storefront Competition, Gold Medal: Niwaka MultiCasa Duisburg International Architectural Design Competition, Grand Prize: Multi Casa Duisburg Ministry of International Trade and Industry Good Design Awards: Niwaka Kyoto University, Uji General Research Laboratory Design Competition, Grand Prize: All-round Resarch and Experiment,Kyoto University-Uji |
2003 | Kyoto Innovation Center Design Competition, Grand Prize: Kyoto Innovation Center Kyoto Suujin Interchange Facility Design Competition, Grand Prize Wakayama Prefecture Design Competition, Grand Prize: Wakayama Prefectural Building South Annex Kaohsiung Subway Station International Architectural Design Competition, Grand Prize: Kaohsiung Metro Station Ministry of International Trade and Industry Good Design Awards: TOKIMEKI |
2004 | Good Lighting Awards: National Theatre Okinawa Doshisha Elementary School Design Competition, Grand Prize: Doshisha Elementary School Nikkei New Office Awards, Special Jury Prize: Omron Keihanna Innovation Center Shikatsu-cho Public Nursery School Design Competition, Grand Prize |
2006 | 47th Building Constructors Society Awards: National Theatre Okinawa Rike Square Complex International Architectural Design Competition, Grand Prize: Rike Square Complex |
2008 | 12th Sakai City Landscape Award: EH SEIKA 11th Public Architecture Awards, Excellence Award: National Theatre Okinawa |
2009 | Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Award: Kaohsiung Metro Station 41st Chubu Architecture Awards, Special Prize: Marumi Headquarters |
2010 | FIABCI Prixd’Excellence Awards, Public Infrastructures, Silver Award: Kaohsiung Metro Station Wood Research and Central Council Chairman’s Award: Marumi Headquarters Kyoto Design Awards, Winner: Kyoto Fushimi National Government Building Kyoto Design Awards, Winner: Doshisha Elementary School |
2011 | Osaka Landscape Architecture Award, Green Award: Shitennouji Elementary School Kyoto Design Awards, Winner: Doshisha International School |
1982 | Paris Biennale Exhibition (Paris, France) Venice Biennale Exhibition (Venice, Italy) |
1985 | Paris Biennale Exhibition (Paris, France) Venice Biennale Exhibition (Venice, Italy) Postmodern Architecture Exhibition (Tokyo National Museum, Japan) |
1988 | Shin Takamatsu Exhibition (Paris, France / London, UK) Shin Takamatsu Kirin Plaza Exhibition (Centre Georges-Pompidou, France) |
1989 | Europalia Japan ’89, TRANSFIGURATION (Brussels, Belgium) National Museum of Art, Special Exhibition (National Museum of Art, Tokyo) |
1991 | Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition (Venice, Italy) SHIN TAKAMATSU DREI PROJEKT (Aedes Gallery, Germany) |
1992 | YOKOHAMA URBAN DESIGN FORUM (Tokyo Spiral Garden, Tokyo) |
1993 | Shin Takamatsu Exhibition (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA) Shin Takamatsu Return Exhibition (Kirin Plaza Osaka / Ginza Sony Building, Tokyo) |
1994 | SHIN TAKAMATSU + GABRIEL E. LAHYANI (Aedes Gallery, Germany) |
1995 | Shin Takamatsu Architecture Exhibition (Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo / Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto / Nagasaki Port Terminal Building, Nagasaki) |
1996 | Shin Takamatsu Architecture Exhibition (Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography, Tottori) Architecture to the Future (Asia and Pacific Trade Center, Osaka) |
1998 | Architect Shin Takamatsu Exhibition (Daimaru Museum KOBE, Hyogo) |
2005 | Shin Takamatsu Architecture From the Heart Exhibition (Koshibu, Toji Temple, Kyoto) |

ORIGIN of Architecture
There are as many thought as the number of architecture. Young architects, who admire the architect Shin Takamatsu, declare their persuing “ORIGIN of architecture”through their own works.

Through the Tohoku earthquake(March 11.2011),this is a story of life which “Educator”and“Architect”are formally spin now. Two young boys begin the trip for searching “a true GAKKOU (school)”.

Skyscrapers in the world Editor:Shin Takamatsu
“Yes, the time you should open this book has come. Now, accumulating some amazing knowledge through each page. Someday, let’s try to design an high rise building by yourself.” ・・・This is the word of Shin Takamatsu

another house
A house which doesn’t exist but does, a house which exists but doesn’t, and the other house which exceeds space-time. This is a picture book drawn a trip seeking the house with Shin Takamatsu’s peculiar point of view. The story leads you into the other space-time without any notice when you are in search of the other house.

Architecture and Me 2
It’s no exaggeration to say that five architects, Fumihiko Maki, Hiroshi Hara, Shinichi Okada, Teiichi Takahashi, and Kisho Kurokawa, led the creation of architectural view in the 20th century. They describe the architecture in the future while looking their past works back. This book encourages people who pursue the way of creation.

Yumeno manimani yumewo miru
This essay drifting between dreams and realities inspires all people who try to achieve their goals. Shin Takamatsu, a well known world wide architect, speaks his dream and philosophy through his point of view.

Architecture and Me
What is possible to express the identity of architecture in the social life? For the question, five architects, Riken Yamamoto, Toshiaki Ishida, Hiroshi Naito, Yoshiaki Akasaka, and Kengo Kuma, who have sought the method through “System,” propose the theory.

Hi no Katachi
Architecture, which reaches the limitation, doesn’t need even the architecture-self. Now, what is “the form” which recompose the world? The author, who is known about detached architecture and stable theory, leaves far from architecture and experiences a trip and fantasy. The book contains many unpublished drawings in the book.

Bokuha tokeishokuninno youni
Shin Takamatsu’s architecture, which reminds his solid and mechanical imagination, considers his original sense of beauty rejecting any definitions. The book touches his sense with his drawings and sketches which have been established by collection of his words filling mass of metaphor.

These 43 works to the latest work from the initial work show the process of Shin Takamatsu works for 30years.
“Now that I take this book, I feel that I am just being asked what is possible for an architecture.” ― Shin Takamatsu

Kindaikenchiku 4
This is an active feature proposing the new interpretation of Shin Takamatsu’s architecture by deciphering his early works to recent projects through the keywords, which are 5 prefixes “un-,” ” re-,” “trans-,” “en-,” and ”pro-.”

Is it exaggeration to say that occasionally “creation” can be “imitation”? There is no “creation” that never focuses on past architects and their past-works. The over one hundred works of historical modern architecture describing the theory and sketches by Shin Takamatsu inspire you a theory and practice of the true design.

Toji・Shin Takamatsu; Architecture of The Heart
Shin Takamatsu’s exhibition named “Toji・Shin Takamatsu; Architecture of The Heart” was held at Toji Koshibo, Kyoto 2005. The book was published as the catalogue. Speaking by Kazukiyo Matsuba (an architectural critic); “there is no discrepancy and disconnection between his early and recent works. His overwhelming ability is necessary for the theory. His strong expressivity splendidly makes his all works touch on a line of chronograph.”

Taiwan Kentiku 8/2005
This is an ambitious feature which surveys the general history of Shin Takamatsu’s masterpiece, and directly extracts his consistent architectural theory in his creation.

This is an anthology which records the complete works by Toyo Ito, Shin Takamatsu, and Riken Yamamoto in China. The conspicuous contrast among three architects causes the infinite possibilities of the creation.

Okoku Kingdom, Kunrinsuru Kougaku, Keikansuru Kukan
In 1990s, Shin Takamatsu built up the continuous eleven buildings around his hometown, Sanin area. He properly expresses the process, “from<point view> to <line view>.” The photographs (by Osamu Murai) strongly ask you their meaning of existence, “view for architecture, architecture for view.” The logic which implies the localism into the source of the futuristic architectures will be vital Merkmal (polester).

To the poetic space
For nine years from 1989 to 1998, Shin Takamatsu had opportunities to design the continuous eleven works around his hometown, Sanin area. This book tells the process of his architectural challenge through the Sanin works and other works at the same period.

Shin Takamatsu Architecture and nothingness
This is a special issue of Shin Takamatsu works published in Italy. 23 works, strictly selected from the works planned untill 1996 bring it on harmony. It performs a symphony with the subtitle “Architecuture and nothingness”.

This book was edited as a catalogue of Shin Takamatsu exhibition at Tokyo Station Gallery for two months from April, 1995. Recorded the fifty four works recorded in the book tell you the horizon of architecture that no one has seen.

This book was edited for the exhibition “SHIN TAKAMATSU BIRTH OF OFFICE” at TN Probe (Toriizaka, Tokyo) when “KIRIN HEADQUARTERS” was completed in 1995. The chief executive, Takeo Obayashi speaks on the exhibition. “Shin Takamatsu thoroughly pursues the architecture, and opens the design process up at sections.”

Botond Bognar (an architectural critic) defined Shin Takamatsu’s architecture as “Monuments in Search of Meaning.” This monograph thoroughly describes the definition through the projects in the beginning of 1993.

This book is one of the popular series published for Shin Takamatsu’s exhibition, “SHIN TAKAMATSU DREI PROJEKTE,” at Aedes Gallery, Berlin 1993. “THE DIJON PROJECT,” ”CONCERT HALL KYOTO,” and “MESSE KUNIBIKI”contained.

This book was published for celebrating the sale of Shin Takamatsu’s virgin furniture “RECHEL&ZHORA” (Okamura Corporation). A philosopher, Shinichi Nakazawa, states “Shin Takamatsu is an artist who has mounted a fierce rebellion against the maternal Japanese culture” in the book. The metaphysical photographs were shot by Koichi Inakoshi.

GA Architect 9 Shin Takamatsu
This monograph contains seventy two works by Shin Takamatsu from 1975 to 1989. His overwhelming drawings and solid photographs thoroughly show you his own architecture-world.

This monograph covers all works of Shin Takamatsu from 1981 to 1989, and adding the drawings and the sketches of his original style. Patrice Goulet’s comment “The outsider” and Kengo Kuma’s comment “The decapitated” are remarkable.

Shin Takamatsu
This monograph contains a collection of Shin Takamatsu’s works from early projects to “KIRIN PLAZA OSAKA” completed in 1987. The book includes “The Kyoto Origins of Nonconceptual Form” and “Seven Essays on Shin Takamatsu” etc, which describe the core of his methodology.

This book was published for the exhibition “SHIN TAKAMATSU・KIRIN PLAZA OSAKA” at the Pompidou Centre, Paris 1987 when “KIRIN PLAZA OSAKA” was completed. This is an excellent composition such as a competition with Keiichi Tahara and other three photographers.

space and method
The headquarters of HINAYA, that is a one of the long standing shops of Obi (sash) warehouse, was built in 1981. Shin Takamatsu named it “ORIGIN.” “ORIGINⅢ” is the 3rd construction of expansion programs. The book tells the whole story of the design processes by containing the sketches , drawings ,plans, and the models.

WORKS-Shin Takamatsu
The book tells Shin Takamatsu’s imagination and his dynamism of bodies through many types of materials and his architectural theory, which have been made by his own hand from 1977 (when he started to design) to 1983.